
Use the "featured image" option in the CMS to include a banner image on a page. It will always automatically appear atop the pages belonging to the "page", "post", "home", and "minimalist" templates.
You can aslo reuse this component widget and can be embedded using the widget option in the CMS or via the "the_widget" function with an optional argument "url" which accepts an image URL. If not provided it will default to the featured image as it does in within the templates. Keep in mind that when it is reused within a container it will not be full-bleed.

Accepts array parameter with key "url" for specified image via URL.


  1. Home: The homepage.php file (template name "home") can be assigned via CMS and is assigned to the homepage currently. The home widgets "sidebar" (widget container) displays only on this template and this template does not have an H1 within it since the "home" title would be a bit unnecessary to load on the template. If an H1 is desired it can be entered via CMS
  2. Index/Post: The index.php, archive.php, and single.php files are WordPress's default templates for Posts (ie. blog post listing and landing pages). They cannot be assigned via CMS other than by using the "default" assignment which selects according to the framework logic. These templates contain the "post widgets" sidebar/container.
  3. Page: The page.php file is the default template for pages created via "page". This also controls the pages where plugins are typically embedded. To get a plugin-only look, use the "minimalist" template. This template contains the "page widgets" sidebar/container.
  4. Minimalist: This template is a clone of the page template which only differs in its use of the minimalist widget sidebar. Many plugins may create their own templates which cannot be passed widgets since they are not within our theme. The only way to pass these would be through the footer, which is universally shared. Since the minimalist design calls for no widgets, those plugins are fine. If you have a page or post template which is displaying widgets and you wish to remove them or use the minimalist sidebar, just assign that page to the minimalist template.


Input Fields
Input field styling is handled with standard HTML formatting, no component inclusion required. The icons are included based on the class such as "error" or "success"
Dropdown/select styling is handled with standard HTML formatting, no component inclusion required.

Radio styling is handled with standard HTML formatting, no component inclusion required.

Checkbox styling is handled with standard HTML formatting, no component inclusion required.

Togglers are special radio buttons that require a structured DOM. To use a toggle component, you must use the WP template_parts helper with arguments.

Buttons are based on selectors: button, .button, and boostrap selectors (button-primary, button-secondary, button-alternate).

Read Only

These alert styles will automatically appear when using the boostrap alerts (.alert .alert-{type}). See Bootstrap docs for details.

Error: Error Message

Success: Success Message

Notification: Notification Message

Text Elements
These are your standard text element like p, small, h*, etc. styling.








Tooltips are driven by Bootstrap and turned on via the tooltip function in the main.js globals wrapper.

Clasname "tags" or "tag" Tagname

Template Partials & WYSIWYG Shortcodes (Structured Elements)

Blog List Items
A blog list item is an image and title component which is used in a loop/list. It accepts an array argument with the following optional keys: "id" (post id), "img" (image url), "title" (string). Image and title can be retrieved via post ID, so including those provides a manual override.

This can be included via PHP in the templates, it is already included in the blog listing widget which can be included via CMS.
Everett Ruess

Accordions are typically used for organizing content, so they better serve admins when they can be applied via WYSIWYG on page content versus in an external source. To do this, we'll use a shortcode.

Accordion buttons can be included via the "accordion" shortcode which accepts a "title" and a "target" where the "target" is a paragraph anchor. To target a WYSIWYG paragraph, within the block editor, select "Advanced" and enter a UNIQUE value into the "HTML anchor" field, then add that same value to your shortcode. For optimal visualization, place your accordion just above your paragraph in the block editor.
My Question

This is my answer text

Widgets & Block Components (Modules)

Widget Containers (aka "Sidebars")
NOTE: The itineraries and locations plugins can only target images in the content block, they will not target global elements like logos in header and footer. For that reason they also will not target widget images.
Within the CMS's "Appearance > Widgets" section, you'll see 4 containers belonging to each of the 4 templates: "home", "page", "post", and "minimalist". These containers reside above the footer, below page template content for single (post), archive (post listing), and content (page) templates. For greater control these are included on the templates themselves but for global application these can be moved atop the footer partial. To explicitly include this section, use the "dynamic_sidebar" code.

Blog List
A blog list contains multiple blog list items (see above) and will output the 10 most recent. This widget can be included using WordPress's standard widget inclusion methods (ie. CMS and via code) through the "blog_listing" title. Default WordPress includes "Recent Posts" but does not include featured images or carousel navigation, so this one has been built custom. Widgets can be called via "do_shortcode" or "the_widget".

Accepts the "number" parameter with integer value for number of posts.
Image Slider
An image slider is a collection of images like a gallery. However, instead of displaying all images, it displays one at a time in a carousel loop. It can be included via CMS widget or shortcode functions. The slider will rotate every 8 seconds if not controlled via prev/next buttons.

Since this is an adaptation of the gallery function, it uses the do_shortcode method instead of the_widget method, when coded. It accepts a parameter with key "ids"and string value (comma separated) which retrieves the given media elements by id.
Image Gallery
Image galleries are a WordPress default that's supported via the "block" builder and/or widgets. Within the bryce theme, galleries are assigned the masonry library for managing alternate image sizes. WordPress has its own way of handling responsive galleries in a grid layout but since that doesn't match the wireframes, we're using masonry instead.

Galleries can be called via "do_shortcode", "the_widget", or via CMS widgets or CMS block builders.

NOTE: WordPress will output all images in their 150px thumbnail format unless otherwise specified or unless added via block editor
Instagram Feed
Instagram feeds are pulled from the Instagram plugin by Smashballoon and defaults the title to H3. The feed can be included via widget or shortcode
This error message is only visible to WordPress admins

Error: No feed with the ID 1 found.

Please go to the Instagram Feed settings page to create a feed.

Directory Listings
The Directory Listing component is derived from the Directoris plugin. This can be included via the "widget" section of the CMS or the "the_widget" function for templates. Additionally, this can be included via shortcode in templates (do_shortcode) or WYSIWYG. The shortcodes are dynamic, and all of the attributes displayed in the grid are CMS controlled within the Directories plugin (add/remove/limit/edit: title, tags, categories, ratings, social media, url, email, phone etc). You'll want to review their documentation for instruction: https://directoriespro.com/documentation/advanced-customization/customizing-pages.html and https://directoriespro.com/documentation/getting-started/displaying-content-with-views.html

NOTE: This plugin also creates a page of its own at /directory-local_stops/
Showing 1 - 12 of 294
Wild Indigo Cafe
840 W Highway 12 Boulder, UT
Canyon Base Camp
6410 South US Highway 89 , Hatch, UT, 84735
55 Ranch House #1 and #2
140 East 100 South , Panguitch, UT, 84759
C Stop Pizza
561 East Center , Panguitch, UT, 84759
Orton Tire
784 N Main Street , , 84759
Panguitch Lake Resort
791 North Lakeshore Road , Panguitch Lake, UT, 84759
Bryce Canyon Pines Restaurant
2476 West Highway 12 , UT, 84764
The INN of Escalante
280 West Main , Escalante, UT, 84726

Map & Map Listing
The Mapify Pro plugin's "Locations" can be included via shortcode in templates and WYSIWYG. See MapifyPro plugin documentation for instructions. Here is an example of a single map and a multimap

Maps can be rendered with additional data like directions, labels, filters etc. To do this, see: https://mapifypro.com/mapifypro-documentation-version-3-0/. When creating a map location, you can use this URL for the custom pin: https://brycecanyoncountry.com/wp-content/themes/brycecanyon/assets/icons/map-pin.svg

Reusable Animations

Trash Animation

The trash animation can be placed within any template using the "the_widget" or "do_shortcode" functions or via shortcode directly in the CMS with the shortcode container: [trash_animation].

This animation will animate in relation to the content block above it. Animations that move in space require a fixed height and/or width and in this case it's 635px, so keep that in mind when you're implementing it.

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